Sunday, 6 September 2009

We officially get kicked out of campus accommodation on the 12th of September. As rationality would dictate, I am spending hours at end house hunting (or in my case, room hunting thanks to property prices in London). But this wasn't the case two days ago. Because two days ago I seemed to have found the perfect place- with the perfect rent. It seemed that I was the only lucky soul on earth to have got it all. Then I found another prefect place, and then another,and then another. This was insane. I knew someone was watching over me. Little did I know, I was in the middle of a potential internet scam as a potential victim. I like to believe it was my special sensibilities that it didn't take me long to figure out these were all fairy-tale apartments that never existed. The series of events that led to this rather intelligent conclusion would just take too much space, time and effort to explain here ( plus they would uncover some of my own embarrassing unthinkingness as well). Lets just say, I could've been robbed of my (very very little) money.
While I was lucky, some others haven't been so, and BBC just yesterday devoted some time letting us know of those other unfortunate souls who as a matter of fact did get cheated.
Sadly, what is also true is that a lot of these 'victims' end up being students who barely have anything to begin with.
I hardly know whether to blame the internet, the people of this world, or London ( after all I have been robbed of a handbag in London as well, but that's another story), but the fact is- WE NEED TO BE ON OUR TOES ALL THE FREAKING TIME... and it is not fun!!!

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